Sympathy fries

While I should never have to admit this, I will.  For you...
 I started with a simple " I'm thirsty, a diet coke sounds good." But after thinking to myself, " don't go through the BBK drive through with an empty stomach", I decided to stop next-door at Starbucks for a friendly cheese and apple plated combo from the cooler shelf. I thought that it would be a healthier alternative to what I was really craving.  I sat in line of the drive through after my cheese purchase and recited my diet coke order.  " One large diet coke, thats all."  Then after about a five minute wait, the man came on the speaker.  "Welcome to Burger King, how can I help you?"  I blurted out, "one large diet coke and a small fry!" Without a breath. "What size?" the little man squawked. " Small, a small fry." I said looking around, like a weirdo. It sounded like he said said $3.70( muffled) at the next window.  
What if he said $4.70, while digging through my laundry change on my lap.  I pull up to the window.
"That will be $4.70." He said, looking me in the eye.
Oh crap! I thought, looking behind me as the line started to bend around the corner...
(I swear honking started to sound)
"Umm, Im so sorry but I only have enough for the coke."  I felt my cheeks turn pink, not because I didn't have enough, but because I wanted the fries so bad.  "How much do you have?", he said looking behind my car at the line.
" I have $3.70", I squeaked.  He handed me my guilt bag of grease, and smiled.  "It's okay."  I looked down and drove away...
Sympathy fries, I thought. Damn.


Anonymous says
December 6, 2009 at 8:23 AM

Love the blog!

We all have to give into our greasy fast food craving once and a while!

I want you to vamp up my blog, yours looks great!